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Software V5 - Onde colocar dados de acesso WU e WiFi?


In the RX Internet configuration where I put the weatherundeground ID and password and the wifi network?

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Internet Settings 
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define Enable_Internet     1                       // 1= Enable Internet connection, 0= Disable

// ---- NTP Settings ----
#define Enable_NTP          1                       // 1= Enable Sync time with NTP servers, 0= Disable
// NTP Servers: 
#define timeServer ""
//#define timeServer ""                 // NTP server
//#define timeServer ""                  //
//#define timeServer ""                 // NTP server

// ---- Weather Wunderground Settings ----
#define Enable_WUupload     1                        // 1= Enable upload to Wunderground, 0= Disable
#define WUupload_period     4                        // Period in minutes between uploads to WU (Should be >= 3 minutes, if less defaults to 4 minutes) 
#define WUupload_InTemp     0                        // 1= Enable upload of Inside Temperature / Humidity, 0= Disable

// ---- Air Quality Monitor - Upload to ThingSpeak Settings ----
#define Enable_AQMtoThingSpeak   0                   // 1= Enable, 0= Disable

// ---- Web Server Settings ----
#define Enable_WebServer          0                  // 1= Enable 0= Disable
#define WebServer_port           80                  // WebServer port (default 80) 

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Enable / Disable GPIO routines - General Purpose Input / Output ports
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define UseGPIO  0   // 0=Disable, 1= Enable

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Define display order of data screens on the TFT
//   Use sequentially numbers from 1 to 4. Use 9 to prevent a particular data screen to be shown
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define ExtraSensors_Data 3
#define SoilLeaf_Data     4
#define AirQuality_Data   1
#define TXinfo_Data       2

Best regards

Nélio Simões

Messages In This Thread
Software V5 - Onde colocar dados de acesso WU e WiFi? - by CT7AEB - 06-01-2018, 20:49
RE: Software V5 - by werk_ag - 06-01-2018, 21:17
RE: Software V5 - by CT7AEB - 06-01-2018, 21:21

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