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Problem with ESP8266 uploader

I just had an error message when I tried to do the ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload. After copying the 'tools' directory to my 'sketches' directory I received the following error when I tried to do the upload:
Arduino: 1.8.12 (Linux), Board: "LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini, 80 MHz, Flash, Legacy (new can return nullptr), All SSL ciphers (most compatible), 4MB (FS:2MB OTA:~1019KB), v2 Lower Memory, Disabled, None, Only Sketch, 921600"

[SPIFFS] data    : /home/gord/Arduino/WeatherDuino_Pro2_Compact v3/software/RX software/WeatherDuino_P2ESP8266_RX_v3.1_b012/data
[SPIFFS] size    : 2024
[SPIFFS] page    : 256
[SPIFFS] block   : 8192
[SPIFFS] upload  : /tmp/arduino_build_177758/WeatherDuino_P2ESP8266_RX_v3.1_b012.spiffs.bin
[SPIFFS] address  : 0x200000
[SPIFFS] reset    : --before default_reset --after hard_reset
[SPIFFS] port     : /dev/ttyUSB0
[SPIFFS] speed    : 921600
[SPIFFS] python   : python
[SPIFFS] uploader : /home/gord/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.3/tools/

usage: esptool [-h] [--chip {auto,esp8266,esp32}] [--port PORT] [--baud BAUD]
               [--before {default_reset,no_reset,no_reset_no_sync}]
               [--after {hard_reset,soft_reset,no_reset}] [--no-stub]
               [--trace] [--override-vddsdio [{1.8V,1.9V,OFF}]]
esptool: error: unrecognized arguments: --end
SPIFFS Upload failed!

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.

I downloaded the 'esp8266fs.jar' file from GitHub and copied it to the same place and everything worked fine.
Just thought you might like to know.


Hi Gord,

That error happened because you are using ESP8266 boards manager v2.6.3, while the code was test under v2.4.2


If you experience any strange behaviour like freezes, revert to v2.4.2 - I don't know if it works stable with v2.6.3


OK, thanks for the reply, good to know.
As I said, it seemed to work if I used the jar file from GitHub.


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