Relatório Precipitação por Estação do Ano (mm)

Nota: Os dados são actualizados diáriamente à meia noite.
Estações Meteorológicas Hemisfério Norte
Inverno: Dezembro, Janeiro, Fevereiro
Primavera: Março, Abril, Maio
Verão: Junho, Julho, Agosto
Outono: Setembro, Outubro, Novembro

 Detalhe DiárioRelatório MensalRelatório por Estação do Ano 
Dez 2023 / Nov 2024160.2 42.8 less than the Inverno average.119.6* 37.7 less than the Primavera average.30.2* 11.7 more than the Verão average.0.0* 154.7 less than the Outono average.310.0* 223.5 less than the yearly average.
Dez 2022 / Nov 2023224.2 21.2 more than the Inverno average.32.6* 124.7 less than the Primavera average.18.4* 0.1 less than the Verão average.171.8 17.1 more than the Outono average.447.0* 86.5 less than the yearly average.
Dez 2021 / Nov 202249.8 153.2 less than the Inverno average.97.6 59.7 less than the Primavera average.12.2 6.3 less than the Verão average.175.6 20.9 more than the Outono average.335.2 198.3 less than the yearly average.
Dez 2020 / Nov 2021184.0 19 less than the Inverno average.143.0 14.3 less than the Primavera average.12.0 6.5 less than the Verão average.100.6 54.1 less than the Outono average.439.6 93.9 less than the yearly average.
Dez 2019 / Nov 2020128.1 74.9 less than the Inverno average.125.0 32.3 less than the Primavera average.28.6 10.1 more than the Verão average.115.6 39.1 less than the Outono average.397.3 136.2 less than the yearly average.
Dez 2018 / Nov 201983.2 119.8 less than the Inverno average.82.6 74.7 less than the Primavera average.9.6 8.9 less than the Verão average.110.2 44.5 less than the Outono average.285.6 247.9 less than the yearly average.
Dez 2017 / Nov 2018155.0 48 less than the Inverno average.306.8 149.5 more than the Primavera average.19.6 1.1 more than the Verão average.168.6 13.9 more than the Outono average.650.0 116.5 more than the yearly average.
Dez 2016 / Nov 2017232.9 29.9 more than the Inverno average.151.8 5.5 less than the Primavera average.9.6 8.9 less than the Verão average.97.8 56.9 less than the Outono average.492.1 41.4 less than the yearly average.
Dez 2015 / Nov 2016368.9 165.9 more than the Inverno average.288.9 131.6 more than the Primavera average.3.2 15.3 less than the Verão average.115.5 39.2 less than the Outono average.776.5 243 more than the yearly average.
Dez 2014 / Nov 2015178.1 24.9 less than the Inverno average.78.8 78.5 less than the Primavera average.17.1 1.4 less than the Verão average.164.5 9.8 more than the Outono average.438.5 95 less than the yearly average.
Dez 2013 / Nov 2014529.5 326.5 more than the Inverno average.172.7 15.4 more than the Primavera average.41.2 22.7 more than the Verão average.409.9 255.2 more than the Outono average.1153.3 619.8 more than the yearly average.
Dez 2012 / Nov 2013142.4* 60.6 less than the Inverno average.287.8 130.5 more than the Primavera average.20.5 2 more than the Verão average.226.2 71.5 more than the Outono average.676.9* 143.4 more than the yearly average.
Máx529.5 306.8 41.2 409.9 1153.3
Méd203.0 157.3 18.5 154.7 533.5
Mín49.8 32.6 3.2 0.0 285.6
Código Cores
< 30.0 30.0 - 60.0 60.0 - 90.0 90.0 - 120.0 120.0 - 150.0 150.0 - 180.0 180.0 - 210.0 210.0 - 240.0 240.0 - 270.0 270.0 - 300.0 300.0 - 330.0 330.0 - 360.0360.0>
* significa dados incompletos para o mês/ano

Script Developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.