Good evening.
I have also finished building the LoRa transmitter.
Unfortunately, I'm experiencing the issue where the TX LED remains on continuously.
I'm sending the
file where the various parameters are configured.
In the serial monitor, I see: "RF95 init done" and "DS2482-100 not detected" because I haven't connected the Soil Leaf interface yet.
After that, there is no further output. Any ideas?
I've tested all the power supplies for the various components, and everything seems fine.
I tried changing the temperature sensor address from 0x44 to 0x45 since I have an SHT85 temperature sensor, but it didn't work.
I also changed the compilation with the old bootloader, but it returned an error.
Thank you.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WeatherDuino 4Pro Universal TX AT328 - Version: 7.3_b005
// Start of user configurable options
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define ID, TX unit number and Transmitting Mode
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const byte Station_ID = 0xA1; // Must be equal to your RX Unit (Value from 0x00 to 0xFF)
const byte UnitID = 0; // If you use only one TX unit define it as UnitID = 0
// For a second TX unit, define it as UnitID = 1, and so on...
#define RADIO_MODE 0 // 0= LoRa RFM95, 1= OOK 433Mhz
// If you are using a LoRa RFM95 module use 0,
// otherwise for OOK/ASK RF module, use 1
// LoRa mode can only be used with WeatherDuino 4Pro receivers equiped with a LoRa module
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If you are using LoRa radio, define the type
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define LORA_FREQUENCY 0 // 0= Europe (868Mhz), 1= Australia & USA (915Mhz)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define type of Temperature / Humidity sensor used as Sensor 0
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define TH_SENSOR0 0 // [SENSOR 0] - 0= SHT31 sensor, 1= SHT21 sensor, 2= HTU21 sensor, 9= Not Used
// Sensor 0 - SHT31 I2C Address
#define S0_SHT31_ADDRESS 0x44 // Default value is 0x44
// Sensor 0 - SHT2X I2C Address
#define S0_SHT21_ADDRESS 0x40 // Default value is 0x40
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define type of Temperature / Humidity sensor used as Sensor 1
// IMPORTANT - If two I2C sensors (SHT31 or SHT2X) are used, each one must have its own I2C address
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define TH_SENSOR1 0 // [SENSOR 1] - 0= SHT31 sensor, 1= SHT21 sensor, 9= Not Used
// Sensor 1 - SHT31 I2C Address
#define S1_SHT31_ADDRESS 0x44 // If an SHT31 is also used as Sensor 0, then this I2C address MUST be different from Sensor 0, (I2C address changed to 0x45 - Be carefull
// Sensor 0 - SHT2X I2C Address
#define S1_SHT21_ADDRESS 0x40 // If an SHT21 is also used as Sensor 0, then this I2C address MUST be different from Sensor 0
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define which Temp / Hum sensor controls the fan, and threshold values
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define FANCONTROL_SENSOR 1 // 0 for Sensor 0, 1 for Sensor 1
const int fanOn_HiTemp = 30; // RS Fan turn on when outside temperature is >= than this value (ºC)
const int fanOn_LowTemp = 2; // RS Fan turn on when outside temperature is <= than this value (ºC)
const int fanOn_LowWind = 1; // RS Fan turn on when Wind Average is <= than this value (m/s)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define type of Wind Speed sensor. See below for allowed types
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Fine Offset Anemometers ---
Use 1O for standard FO anemometers
Use 11 for FO anemometer modified with 1 hall effect sensor
--- Inspeed Anemometers ---
Use 20 for Inspeed Vortex, digital 8 pulse revolution anemometer
Use 21 for Inspeed Vortex, hall efect sensor
Use 22 for Inspeed Vortex, read switch sensor
--- Davis Anemometers ---
Use 30 for Davis 6410, 7911 anemometer
--- Novalynx Anemometers ---
Use 40 for Novalynx, model 200-WS-02F
--- Environmental Measurements Limited ---
Use 50 for EML, model WSD1
--- Didcot Instrument Company ---
Use 60 for DIDCOT, model DWR205
--- Vector Instruments ---
Use 70 for Vector Instruments model A100LK
Use 71 for Vector Instruments model A100L2
Use 72 for Vector Instruments model A100R
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define type of Wind Direction sensor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Fine Offset Wind Vane ---
Use 1O for standard FO wind vane
--- Analogue Wind Vanes ---
Use 20 for any 5V analogue wind vane. See bellow for a list of tested models
- Inspeed E-Vane 2
- Davis 6410
- Novalynx, model 200-WS-02F
- Environmental Measurements Limited, model model WSD1
- DIDCOT, model DWD205
- Almost all 5V analogue wind vanes will work
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Analogue Vane Offset Calibration
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const int16_t WDir_offs = 0; // Usually there is no need to change default value (zero)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define Rain Gauge tip boucket value (mm)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Use 0.280 for standard FineOfset rain gauges (Datasheet value = 0.2794)
Use 0.200 for standard metric Davis rain gauges
Use 0.254 for standard imperial Davis rain gauges
#define COLLECTOR_TYPE 0.200 // Please note: Values must be in metric units. Max. resolution: 3 decimal digits
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define type of UV Sensor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define UV_SENSOR 0 // 0= UVM-30A, 1= VEML6075, 9= Not used
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Soil / Leaf Interface Enable Disable
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define SOIL_LEAF_INTERFACE 1 // 0 = Soil Leaf Interface not used, 1 = Enable Soil Leaf Interface
const byte Number_AnalogSensors = 4; // Up to 4 analog sensors
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define which data this unit will send. 0 = Not send this data, 1= Send this data
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define ID0 1 // Temp/Hum Data
#define ID1 0 // Not Used
#define ID2 1 // Wind data
#define ID3 1 // Rain data
#define ID4 1 // SolRad / UV data
#define ID5 1 // Hardware Status - System Temp, Battery Voltage etc
#define ID7 1 // Send Soil & Leaf Temperature Data
#define ID9 1 // Send Soil Moisture & Leaf Wetness Data
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// VBat voltage fine tune (values in Volt, positive or negative)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define VBAT_OFFSET 0.0 //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hardware settings
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define if the TMP36 sensor is instaled
#define USE_TMP36 1 // 0= Not Instaled, 1= Intalled
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Debug
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define DEBUG_ID0
#define DEBUG_ID2
#define DEBUG_ID3
#define DEBUG_ID4
#define DEBUG_ID5
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// End of user configurable options
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------