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Full Version: AQM3 Initial Setup
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Hi Caneira,
Attaching what I have done, sensors shown and my config file. Maybe you can help me because I have hit a brick wall and am ready to junk this project with a mark in the "fail" column.

Installed sensors:
Dust PMS7003
Pres/Temp/Hum BE280

Power source: 5V, 700 mA (LG Cel Phone charger)

Installed Board firmware: MH ER LIVE ESP32 MiniKit.
installed the .rar file located on the forum then Arduino installed updates.
Tried setting to debug mode for dust sensor, but cannot see anything was done.
Attaching the Arduino Logs.
Connection for OLED display is there and output works (not showing CO2 or AQ Particulates values)

Coated the outside of the connections with Conformal coating for outdoor use. Made sure no coating go on male/female connectors.

I can see Pres/Hum/Temp and board vitals (elev and name on IP/aqnow). No output from the dust or CO2 sensors.

Ordered a replacement sensor and swapped out PMS7003. Still doesn't work.
Hi Wx_man23,

Thanks for the pics and config files. Your Config_options.h file seems OK.

Let's start by one thing at a time. From the your pictures seems that the connections for the PMS7003 aren't correct.
Please refer to the connection instrutions published here:

[Image: 4Pro_AQM_III_PMS7003_Connections_800px.jpg]

Once we will have the PMS7003 working we will go to the SCD30. I'm afraid connections aren't good too. Please add a close up picture.

Sadly I cannot find a connection for "SET" with what I have. Do I need to go onto Alibaba and find something else?

Thanks for the closeup pictures

Regarding the PMS7003, the SET pin is there, you should use the cable interface, not the pin headers.
The SET pin is the one that turns the PMS7003 fan ON and OFF. If the fan doesn't turn ON there are no readings.

Regarding the SCD30 the connections seem correct.

Being an initial setup I suggest starting just with the PMS7003, there is no need to disconnect the CO2 sensor, you may just disable it

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Define type of CO2 sensor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define CO2_SENSORTYPE  0    // 0= Not instaled, 1= Sensirion SDC30, 2= MH-Z19

on the Config_options.h file, compile the code and upload. Then when you have readings from the PMS7003, enable the CO2 sensor again,

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Define type of CO2 sensor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define CO2_SENSORTYPE  1    // 0= Not instaled, 1= Sensirion SDC30, 2= MH-Z19

compile and upload the code.

Keep me informed on the progress, and we will get there. Smile

No I don't think this is possible. Please see attached. I think I need an adapter to match the pins on the board? Thanks I am optimistic anyway.
(17-05-2024, 18:19)werk_ag Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

Thanks for the closeup pictures

Regarding the PMS7003, the SET pin is there, you should use the cable interface, not the pin headers.
The SET pin is the one that turns the PMS7003 fan ON and OFF. If the fan doesn't turn ON there are no readings.

Regarding the SCD30 the connections seem correct.

Being an initial setup I suggest starting just with the PMS7003, there is no need to disconnect the CO2 sensor, you may just disable it
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Define type of CO2 sensor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define CO2_SENSORTYPE  0    // 0= Not instaled, 1= Sensirion SDC30, 2= MH-Z19

on the Config_options.h file, compile the code and upload. Then when you have readings from the PMS7003, enable the CO2 sensor again,

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Define type of CO2 sensor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define CO2_SENSORTYPE  1    // 0= Not instaled, 1= Sensirion SDC30, 2= MH-Z19

compile and upload the code.

Keep me informed on the progress, and we will get there. Smile

Hi Wx_man23,

I would recommend you to use soldered screw terminals on the PCB, e.g. type KF128-2.54. It will be much easier for you to experiment with them and they can also serve well for a permanent connection (they are more reliable than just push-in pins).


It can then look like this - but be careful! The picture shows my old AQM, the connector for your PMS7003 is probably located elsewhere on your "new" board.


Good luck!
(17-05-2024, 22:55)Wx_man23 Wrote: [ -> ]No I don't think this is possible. Please see attached. I think I need an adapter to match the pins on the board? Thanks I am optimistic anyway.

Why you think it is not possible?
You are using the correct adapter and there isn't any other. You MUST cut one end of the red and black cable and use the correct wires to connect to the board.

The hornychz recommendation of using soldered screw terminals on the PCB makes things a lot easy, however as you already have pin headers on the PCB, you may try to solder the wires to the pin headers (after having double checking the connections are correct, use a continuity tester if needed).