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Full Version: WeatherDuino WirelessDisplay "SanoBox"
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Hello everyone,

Here is my case or box for Wireless Display with UPS with some decorations Smile

[Image: IMG-20230107-182023.jpg]
[Image: IMG-20230107-182124.jpg]

Powered with USB -> 5,5x2,1 DC Jack (Standard USB charger for old phone), UPS with 18650 Li-Ion battery. 

Have a nice day 

[Image: IMG-20230107-161546.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20230107-182134.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20230107-182154.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20230107-123200.jpg]
That is a delight to behold
(08-01-2023, 10:29)sano2 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello everyone,

Here is my case or box for Wireless Display with UPS with some decorations Smile

[Image: IMG-20230107-182023.jpg]
[Image: IMG-20230107-182124.jpg]

Powered with USB -> 5,5x2,1 DC Jack (Standard USB charger for old phone), UPS with 18650 Li-Ion battery. 

Have a nice day 

(10-01-2023, 16:16)Nigel Wrote: [ -> ]That is a delight to behold

Fully agree!
Quite a creative design. Like

I am fascinated with lithophane, 3D print and weatherduino   Big Grin
Very nice case! I've been looking for a ups, which one did you use? I would like to be able to put a raspberry pi, the receiver, and a ups in a case together, although our mains power rarely goes out it would be nice to have the system working when it does.


Hello Zac,

I have got many UPS boards, in this case I used this one:

I recommended this product. Out 12V, you must use DC to DC step down module from 12V to ... 5V or other. For this I was using this DC Step Down converter:
It is adjustable 

The idea is very simple, when you need to move the display to another socket, it does not turn off and lasts for a while.

I will upgrade design, DC connector replace to this:

(01-02-2023, 17:04)sano2 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Zac,

I have got many UPS boards, in this case I used this one:

This small UPS with 5V output is also suitable to use with the 4Pro Dual Band receivers. I'm using them on my units for more than a year, without any issue.
That's very cool!
Pages: 1 2